Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2016

4 principles for success in a digital world

Four principles that help you to successfully navigate through the digital transformation:

Make the "4 principles of success in a digital world" part of your daily life at work. The compass for success in digital transformation is where north is connectedness and south is simplicity. In the west you will find adaptiveness and differentiation is to the east.

Connectedness means

to be connected to your customers, your suppliers, your partners and all of your stakeholders. But it also means to invest into connectivity and the associated technologies. This is fundamental. It is the most important principle. For you and the people in your organisation this means to actively increase the level of connectedness by using social networks, social media and personal contacts. A low level of connectedness means failure in digital transformation!

Simplicity means

reduction of complexity. Reduction is the essence of simplicity. If you reduce complexity, your communication will become easier. Simple communication means, that people will better understand your messages. Simplicity is an accelerator in digital transformation. Easy services, easy products combined with simple communication and you will pick up speed and your chance for succees is increased. Unnecessary complexity means, that you might get stuck along the digital transformation. Or at least, it will slow you down.

Adaptiveness means

to start lean, use agile methods and have an open mindset to constantly adapt to new situations. This is a tough one. You need to address your  corporate culture. You might need to reduce the level of control and hierarchy in your organisation. Success in digital transformation means, that often you do not know the  final targets that you will achieve. Failure is part of the game. Adaptive companies have a good chance  to succeed in digital transformation.

Differentiation means

the opposite of "copy and paste". Don't try to imitate successful digital companies. There is only one google, one Uber ore one Differentiation is based on unique value propositions. This means, that  success in digital transformation is much more than to add some technological improvements to your products and services. It's about how you come up with stunning value propositions using the possibilities offered by digital innovation. Outside-in attitude and design thinking will help you on this part.

Now: take a piece of paper. Draw a compass with the 4 principles described above. Spend 5 minutes writing down what comes up to your mind. Take a picture of it with your smartphone.
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